Medical Aesthetic Center

Earlobe Repair at Medical Aesthetic Center


Earlobe correction is a minimally invasive, quick procedure that can correct uneven, drooping or stretched earlobes as well as overly pulled or torn earring holes. The procedure is performed using local anaesthetic and has a very high rate of success.

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What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty is the surgical correction of abnormally large or protruding ears and is sometimes referred to as “ear pinning.”

Am I a candidate for otoplasty?

This procedure is often performed on children who may be suffering psychologically from teasing about their overly pronounced ears. Adults who are considering Otoplasty are often suffering from similar effects – they may be too self conscious to pull their hair back or wear any kind of accessories that may call attention to this feature, or they may even find it difficult to conceal their ears with their hair. If you feel insecure or awkward as a result of your ear shape or position, you may be a candidate for this procedure.

What is earlobe correction?

Earlobe correction is a minimally invasive, quick procedure that can correct uneven, drooping or stretched earlobes as well as overly pulled or torn earring holes. The procedure is performed using local anaesthetic and has a very high rate of success. It may also be combined with micro fat grafting to add some volume to the earlobe.

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