Medical Aesthetic Center

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Stimulate New Collagen Production with Fraxel

Collagen is the protein in the skin responsible for giving it elasticity, strength, and suppleness. It also helps to protect the skin from harmful environmental factors. As we age, collagen production slows down, and our skin loses its youthful appearance. Skin resurfacing procedures like Fraxel Restore can help people look and feel younger by stimulating collagen production to create a more youthful appearance.

What is Fraxel?

Fraxel is a 10-minute, non-invasive, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses microneedling to stimulate collagen production. This treatment involves using multiple microneedles to puncture the skin and deliver a precise amount of medication to the deep layers of the skin.  

Who is a good candidate for the Skin laser treatment?

* Those who have damaged and lost collagen.
* Those who are sun damaged or aging.
* Those with acne scars, age spots, and pigmentation.
* Those who have low collagen in the deep layers of the skin that causes wrinkles.
* Those who have good skin tone and elasticity.  If your skin is loose and saggy, combining the treatment with a tummy tuck or thigh lift may be a good idea.

How Fraxel helps in collagen production

1.  Fraxel stimulates new collagen production by delivering the medications to the deep layers of the skin.
2.  It helps to overcome sun-damaged skin, acne scars, and pigmentation issues which can cause wrinkles in your skin.
3.  The treatment also helps to stimulate cellular renewal to give your skin a healthy and younger look.
4.  This treatment also helps to stimulate cellular renewal to give your skin a healthy and younger look.

Fraxel treatment is a great way to restore and strengthen your skin while promoting collagen production. The non-invasive procedure can quickly be done in the doctor's office with little or no downtime. If you ever want to have well-toned, elastic, and healthy skin, Fraxel is worth considering. Contact  Medical Aesthetic Center in Marmora for further details on how we can help you achieve your skin rejuvenation goals with the Fraxel treatment. Visit us for a free consultation today.

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