Medical Aesthetic Center

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Men Skincare

Difference In Men And Women Skin
As much as men and women have similarities in their skins, they also have differences, according to dermatology research. While women have less fuzz but thinner and drier skin, men have thick oily skin due to double sebum production and dense hair growth. Men's sebaceous glands and pores are larger than those of women. Thus men deserve specifically designed skincare products to help manage the effects of shaving, thicker skin, double sebum production, and collagen, which gives it a tighter, firmer appearance. Aestheticians at Medical Aesthetic Center in New Jersey advise both men and women first to know their skin types, whether sensitive, oily, normal, dry or a combination of dry and oily. Understanding your skin type helps in taking care of your skin and selecting the most suitable skincare products.

Tips On How To Take Care Of Men Skin
Dermatologists recommend the following tips to help men develop healthy skincare routines.1. Wash your face daily and after exercises with mild facial soap and lukewarm water(not hot). 
2. Watch how you shave your facial hair. Choose the best razor for your skin to avoid shaving too close to the skin resulting in razor burns, razor bumps, or ingrown hair. Before you begin shaving, wet your skin, use shaving cream and remember to shave in the direction of hair growth and also. Remember not to stretch your skin during shaving.

3. Read product labels and ingredients before buying them to ensure that to pick what your skin needs. Always pick products with explicit instruction, as some have fine prints and will end up irritating your skin. Once a product doesn't go well with your skin, put it aside and find a different one.

4. Finally, moisturize daily, check your skin regularly for any changes, and use sunscreen whenever you're outdoors.

It is essential to take care of your skin to keep it looking better and younger as the years go by. Healthy and glowing skin builds confidence in both men and women. As men's skin has unique features, it requires unique skincare. Call Medical Aesthetic Center today to get a consultation from one of our specialists.

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