Medical Aesthetic Center

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Facial Rejuvenation: Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Procedures

The decision to undergo a facial rejuvenation procedure can be a difficult one. Many surgical and non-surgical options are available, and it can be hard to know which is the best choice for you. Here is a comparison of the two most popular types of facial rejuvenation procedures: surgical and non-surgical, and their benefits and drawbacks so you can decide which is right for you.

Pros & Cons of Surgical Procedures

You can use different surgical procedures to improve the appearance of the face. Blepharoplasty, rhytidectomy, and rhinoplasty are three of the most commonly performed procedures. Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a common cosmetic procedure involving removing excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids.

Rhytidectomy, or facelift surgery, is another common cosmetic procedure used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is usually performed to improve the nose's appearance or correct a deformity.

Below are their pros and cons.


• Can achieve more dramatic results
• Results are usually longer lasting
• Can be combined with other procedures for a complete makeover


• More expensive than non-surgical procedures
• Requires anesthesia
• Involves surgical risks such as infection and bleeding

Pros & Cons of Non-Surgical Procedures

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, there are several options available today that don’t require surgery. Non-surgical facelifts, dermal fillers, laser treatments, and Botox are all popular choices for those looking to improve their appearance.

Botox injections are used to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines temporarily. Dermal fillers plump up areas of the face that have lost volumes, such as the cheekbones or lips. Laser skin resurfacing can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin by removing damaged layers of skin. Facelifts are more invasive surgeries to tighten loose skin and remove excess fat and wrinkles.

But what are the pros and cons of these non-surgical procedures?


• More affordable than surgical procedures
• No anesthesia or recovery period required
• Can be done in a single office visit


• Results are not as dramatic as surgical procedures
• It May need to be repeated more often than surgical procedures to maintain results
• results may be temporary

Both surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures can produce great results; it just depends on what you are looking for in terms of aesthetics. Trust Medical Aesthetic Center, a medical spa in Marmora, to help you decide which treatment is best for you. Please book an appointment today and let us help you achieve your desired look!

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