Medical Aesthetic Center

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Earlobe Correction with Otoplasty

There may be many reasons why a person is not happy with the appearance of their ears. However, there are ways that you can change the size and shape of your ear.

What is Otoplasty?
Otoplasty is ear surgery, which is done to help improve the shape and position of the ear. An otoplasty can also be performed to help a patient who has a birth defect or damage to the structure of their ear. This type of surgery helps to bring balance to the face and head. These corrections can enhance a patient's appearance, which in turn can help them with their self esteem.

Otoplasty can help those who have overly large ears, otherwise known as macrotia. Those who are experiencing protruding ears may also consider the procedure. If you are not happy with the appearance of your ears, consult the Medical Aesthetic Center in New Jersey today. 

Who Needs Earlobe Correction?
In general, healthy individuals are those who are good candidates for ear surgery. Those with certain illnesses or diseases may not be recommended the treatment procedure. Those who are unhappy with the size or shape of their ears may be a candidate for otoplasty. During your consultation, we will discuss your goals, as well as any concerns you may have, and determine whether or not you are a candidate.

What are the Benefits of Otoplasty?
Those who have Otoplasty experience an improvement on how aesthetically pleasing their ears are. Patients will have a much more uniform appearance and the ears may be more symmetrical. This can help with overall facial symmetry. Patients that were once self conscious about the size or shape of their ears may experience a boost in their confidence.

In order to determine if you are a right fit for an otoplasty in New Jersey, you will need to schedule a consultation with the Medical Aesthetic Center to determine if an otoplasty in New Jersey is the best option for you and your needs. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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